The Magazine Fort in the Phoenix Park
The Magazine Fort in the Phoenix Park: A major new visitor attraction for Dublin
Client: Office of Public Works
The project provides visitor facilities, including interpretation / exhibition spaces and a rampart walkway, within the currently derelict Fort, a protected structure and National Monument. The project arises from recommendations contained within the ‘Phoenix Park Visitor Experience Strategic Review’, prepared by us and published by the OPW in 2019; the Review was commissioned by The Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (AHRRGA) and the Office of Public Works (OPW), under a partnership agreement with Fáilte Ireland.
The new reception areas, booking office, staff facilities, tea rooms and wc’s will be mainly located within the two-storey range of 19th century buildings, outside of the ramparted extents of the original 17th century fort. Within the fort proper, new interpretation and exhibition spaces will be located in the metal Bakery building and the brick vaulted Magazine Stores. A new walkway will guide the visitor on a universally accessible, circumnavigational tour of the fort and ramparts. The route takes in the fort’s various buildings and enjoys magnificent views out over the surrounding landscape.

The works include the following;
- Conversion works and change of use of the outer ravelin buildings and courtyard,
- The restoration of the Duke of Dorset archway, previously dismantled,
- The conservation and change of use of the metal Bakery Building,
- The new metal walkway, and
- Conversion works and change of use of the Magazine Stores.
We acknowledge the input and assistance of JCA Architects, who prepared the Architectural Heritage Impact Assessment Report and the Conservation Repair Methodology Report, and of Archaeology Plan, who prepared the Archaeological Assessment for the works.