The Phoenix Park Visitor
Experience Strategic Review
The Phoenix Park Visitor Experience Strategic Review: Planning the Park’s Future
Client: Office of Public Works, public contract
Status: At detailed design stage
The Department of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs (AHRRGA) and the Office of Public Works (OPW), under a partnership agreement with Fáilte Ireland, received funding to make an investment in the development of a Visitor Experience Strategic Review for the Phoenix Park.
There were three objectives of the Review:
- To review the future ‘tourism’ development potential of the Phoenix Park- The Phoenix Park Visitor Experience Strategic Review (Package A)
- To prepare a development plan for the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre (Package B), and
- To prepare a development plan for the Magazine Fort (Package C).
We prepared the Strategic Review and, following a following a public consultation exercise, including an open exhibition in the Ashtown Centre in the Park, it was published in November 2018.